Dimensions : 82 cm / 68 cm / 141 cm height
Cabin Features: 2 Joysticks // 12 buttons // 2 start buttons // 2 credits buttons // Free Play // Display TFT 22” ιντσών // 2 Stereo speekers // 2 stools // 3.000 games available
Favourites: Tetris, Pacman, Bubble bubble, Pang, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Arkanoid, Invaders, Street Fighter, Double Dragon, Mortal Kombat
A blast from the past for adults! Share your favourite arcade classics with your kids or your friends.
Ideal for premium, promotional and corporate events.
Branding: marque with LED light – design of your choice (dimensions 66,5cm x 15,5cm).
Power supply demanded 220V.