Aquaglide OG Lounge

3.567,88 Ex.Vat - 4.245,78 Inc.Vat

The O.G. Lounge is a waterfront
social lounge for family-sized groups. This lounge features barstool
seating with raised table and cupholders beneath a shady cabana top.
Accommodates up to 6 users. Use as a stand-alone or as a social space for
mini-parks. Connects on up to two sides with Vario straps. (^)

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L 9.9′ x W 9.9′ x H 7.44′
(3,05m L x 3,05m W x 2,27m H)


Users, Adult/Child 6 / 6
Perental supervision Y
MAX Weight kg/lb 544 / 1200
Working Pressure Main [1] 6.0psi (0,414bar),   Upper [2] 4.0psi (0,276bar), Base [3] 1.2psi (0,083bar), Table [4] 5.0psi (0,345bar), Seats [5] 1.5psi (0,103bar)
MIN Depth FEET 3,3
MIN Depth METERS 0,98
MIN Distance Away m/ft 3,0 m – 10 ft
Inflated Size cm/in 120″ L x 120″ W x 90 H

305cm L x 305cm W x 227cm H

Anchor Rings 4
Bridle none
D-Rings 7, 0, 7, 0
Straps 0
Recommended weight per anchor (kg) 500
Recommended weight per anchor (lbs) 1100
Number of anchors 4 or 2 w/ 2-Way Bridles
PVC thickness (mm) Welded DS 15cm + 0.90mm Cx3
PVC weight (oz) 15cm DS single layer w/ 31oz


Additional information
Weight 90 kg
Dimensions 115 × 75 × 50 cm

Aqua Park Departments
